Favorite country

Hello welcome back to my blog if you are new to my blog my name is Tamar. I don’t really have a favorite country because I have a lot that I love like Mexico,Colombia and Venezuela these countries are where my parents are from my mom is from Mexico and my dad is from Colombia my other sister from my dad side is from Venezuela so that’s why I like these countries so much. Why I like Mexico so much is because Mexico has some of my favorite food like tamales and tacos and my favorite hot sauce to like Valentina and tajin a spice I like. It is also one of my favorite countries because my mom is from there and it’s a beautiful place. Colombia is also one of my favorite countries because it is where my dad is from and a lot of my family members are there but also it is beautiful in some of places like the central of Bogóta which is where my dad is from there food is also great but not as much as Mexico’s food. Still these two are my top favorites because of these specific reasons and because there are beautiful places to go to and how they speak is different from other parts of the world sure they speak Spanish in both countries but how their accents are like in Colombia they speak Spanish but in different parts of the country they speak differently so in Mexico. That is why these countries are some of my favorites.

Fun fact: Mexico introduced corn,chocolate, and Chile to the world


Fun fact: “Colombia is part of the ring of fire, a group of countries in the Pacific Ocean vulnerable to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.



  1. This was a great post. You included background knowledge as well as research found online. Good job sharing your sources! Thank you for posting this week.


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