9/11 post

Hi welcome back to my blog and if you are new my name is Tamar. You guys probably all know about the attacks of 9/11. This sad depressing moment in history might have been discouraging but  this day also a very heroic day. This day was called Patriots day. A little background knowledge of why this was called Patriots day is because a lot of people lost their own lives to save others an example on this is imagine firefighters losing their lives knowing they are not going to come back out alive to save another life hurt and depressed. This day is a very heroic yet very depressing. Yet people did not want to think of this as a sad, depressing and gloomy day. They wanted to think of this day as a heroic day so they named it Patriots day all the people who died for our country.


  1. Thank you for sharing. I can tell you put a lot of time and research into this.


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