
Hi welcome back to my blog if this is your first time reading my blog my name is Tamar. Today I will be talking about honesty. Now what is honesty? “The quality of being honest honest;uprightness and fairness truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness.” Honesty to me is fairness and to be truthful to your self and others and things (like animals). Being honest is very important. Honesty can help you with many things in life. Like for example if you hit your sister or brother and you don’t tell the truth sooner or later your parents will find out or if not you will not feel revenge like you felt at the time but after that 5 min. of revenge you felt after that you will feel regret and saddness. So now if you do tell the truth you won’t get that much in trouble than you would if you did lie. If it is like a surprise party that you want to keep a secret now that is a “good lie”. So that is why it is important to be honest.                                                          


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