We movement

Hi welcome back to my blog if you still don't know who I am my name is Tamar. This new post is about the we movement. If you guys do not know what this is it is an organization that is all over the world that helps people, environments, and animals and many more things. This organization is a very good and amazing program from what I heard. This organization can bring you to different countries to help people in Africa who don't have fresh clean water and fundraise for a well. You can do very amazing things for the world,community, and school. I hope I have convinced you to join.


  1. Thank you for sharing your post about the WE movement this week. It was very detailed and well written.

  2. Yeah, I really do want to join, and this post really makes me feel like I missed out on it, but I guess that’s a good thing. I PROMISE I’LL DO IT NEXT YEAR!! I didn’t really know how to join...


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