Slice of life

Hello welcome back to my blog if this is your first time reading my blog my name is Tamar. Today I will be doing a slice of life which is technically a story you could tell in ten seconds to turn it into a paragraph. My after school program youth cross roads was doing a fundraiser for Puerto Rico for hurricane Maria and we were selling Krispy Kreme donuts for a Dozon for ten dollars. Then they told us that there was going to be a prize for the top five winners. The thing was they were doing the competition against three schools heritage,Morton West and East, and Freedoms after school programs because they have youth cross roads for those too. So then the top five students throughout the schools get a twenty dollar visa gift card. I sold twenty four boxes and my brother Isaiah sold thirteen. So I wanted first place with him and I too but we had a low score and I don’t think we will both make it but I came up with the idea of adding ours together to get thirty seven which with that score I have a feeling that we are going to make it to top five.


  1. You guys did great selling all those. I just wish I was able to buy one or two. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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