Fiction v.s nonfiction
Hello welcome back to my blog if this is your first time reading my blog my name is Tamar. Today the topic is nonfiction v.s fiction. Well first what is fiction? Fiction is: Literature in form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people. Now that we know what fiction is now let’s find out what nonfiction is. Nonfiction is: prose writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people, such as biography or history. So in shorter terms fiction is fake, fable, tall tales, and things that are not real in a short story. Nonfiction in shorter terms is a book that tells real things and that are factual. So that is the difference between nonfiction and fiction and there differences.
I like your blog a lot! I like fiction books better than nonfiction because you can make anything you want to be in the story. Which do you like better, fiction or nonfiction?