Slice of life (challenge) #1
Sitting down hearing music jamming out without headphones with some of my friends at youth crossroads. I keep on jamming outs singing along to the music with my friends while doing vocabulary words for scocial studies. Which was very bore I don’t really like doing vocabulary definiitions. Switching songs between all my spanish music was awesome because I love hearing Latin music. I hear my friends stop singing I look at her and she says “STOP!”I thought she was talking too me but then I guess she was not I looked around and saw some boy named look at us and giggle he was a seventh or eighth grader. I just kept singing I did n to really care. But hen I saw one of the counselors coming suddenly I pushed the music and said “Danny coming!” In a whisper shout and acted like I was doing my work all along and not putting on music without headphones which you were not supposed to do but i did it anyways. It is not like you’ll get in big trouble they will just remind you to put headphone on. Then the cousuler comes I act like I’m doing homework and not talking very loudly. Doing my homework he looks behind our backs like teachers usually do and then he gives me a yc buck which is like falcon dollars but for the after school program, then I look up and he says “thank you girls for working quietly.” He walks away and my friends and I start giggleing because we did not really do what he said only when he was coming.
Great SOL1, I look forward to reading more of these this month!