Slice of life (challenge) #14
I walking into my mom and dad’s room when I heard a voice on the phone. I noticed right away that my sister Beverly was calling on FaceTime. I got excited because she barley now goes to our house to sleep over and barley see my sister’s dog Lulu. She’s a Pitbull and a very cute. She started talking about her and said dun dun dunnnnnnnnn MY SISTER’S DOG WAS PREGNANT. I freaked and was like nooo she’s not because I thought my sister was living but I couldn’t seem to trust her at all. But she kept telling me that she was pregnant. And then I looked at her so surprised and I was like OM OMG OMG. And couldn’t believe she was pregnant. She got pregnant with my sister’s boyfriend’s dog also a Pitbull and they were with each other like 24/7. So I did not really get surprised that she got pregnant with my sister’s boyfriend’s dog Ki. Then the next day I was telling my friends and asking them when the babies come out and when they stay with their mom for 3 months they can have them for money of course and the dogs boys are $200 and the girls are $300 dollars so if they want one they will have to buy it but they are cheaper than the dogs at the pound and stuff. So that concludes that my dog Lulu (a Pitbull is pregnant).
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