Slice of life (challenge) #22

       I went to a field trip on Tuesday and I went with the Youthcross roads to a pottery place. We made pottery and I learned how to do a lot of things like using the wheel and spinning it and I got to make animals out of clay. The wheel takes a lot of practice and was hard for me and I was the last one to finish. It took me a long time to master it. I went with Brianna to the field trip and we both had a lot of fun. After we went back on the van I went and walked to the ymca with Isaiah and we played Roblex I also saw Brianna on roblox to so I got to play with her. The day was fun and I also got to see my old foster brother. He was at the ymca and I was really excited when I saw him. I missed him a lot  and I hope he did too. I was happy to see him and I hope he was also. I had a fun time that day and did not want to go to school the next day.


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