Quarter 2 Reflection

In what area do you think you made your biggest improvements in English Language Arts? 

I think I have improved in ELA a lot of finding and citing quotes and transitioning into them. I would used to just say on page blah blah blah it states, and then go onto the quote now I use a more smother sentence to transition. I switch it up and am more specific before citing the quote. With the quote I try to go all around the book and not just on one page cause if you just stay on the page you might find good evidence but I think it’s better if you go around the book to find other things, it can be better and add onto what your saying so I will have like maybe 5 quotes but around book so it’s a lot and it explains things in a different way and makes your analysis longer and you get to explain more.

What has been the most challenging part of 2nd Quarter for you and what did/can you do to help overcome this?

One of the most challenging parts of Quarter 2 was The Giver. It was though for me to read every night and do signposts and it took a lot of work for me to finish and do signposts and get everything done while doing things at home also. But I got through it and tried really hard to get it done but I guess the hardest part about that was being consistent. I needed to do it every night and make sure everything was done and the first couple times I didn’t do it but then noticed if I wasn’t consistent with it I would fall behind but then got the hang of it. 

What strategies have benefited you? 

Doing notes benefited me because every time I read I maybe have not remembered what I read so I can go back and look at my notes and remember and share with my group mates.  Signposts have also benefited me understand the book better. It helps me understand what the author means when reading certain parts and gives me a better understanding of the whole story.


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